Lisa came to me she was overwhelmed by life's demands. She struggled to balance her professional and personal responsibilities, constantly feeling that she's falling short in each role. Her attempts at self-care were relegated to last in her list of priorities. She strived to be everything for everyone else, forgetting herself in the process. Her current lifestyle was affecting her health, her relationships, and her overall sense of satisfaction in life.

Lisa and I worked together, looking at the tools to manage stress, supported her to re-define boundaries, and rediscover her purpose. She became aware of what her emotions were trying to tell her, she started listening to them rather then numbing them down and was able to regulate herself much quicker. Lisa felt felt more in control of her life, and her self-esteem improved.

Over time, Lisa transformed into a new version of herself and it was beautiful to watch her grow and become more empowered and resiliant. She was calmer, clearer about her life path, healthier, and happier. The transformation Lisa experienced wasn't just personal, it extended to her relationships, partner, parent, friend, and a more empowered individual in her workplace.

1-1 Personalised Coaching


A clear, step by step pathway for change

Improved self-confidence

A growth in mindset

A shift in perspective

Improved self-awareness

Re-focused clarity and purpose

Improved emotional and overall well-being

Feel empowered and full of self-belief. You can achieve your dreams, goals and aspirations.

Elevate and Empower Program - 8 weeks.

Step into your power. Embark on a lifelong journey of self-discovery, resilience and fulfillment.

The "Elevate & Empower" program is an 8-week journey that will transform your relationship with yourself. You'll learn tools to process emotions, manage your to do list with more clarity, set and achieve meaningful goals, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life. Embrace the opportunity to elevate your life and empower yourself. Your journey to self-transformation begins here.


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Guiding you with additional knowledge, growth mindset, empowerment and self awareness.

It's always your choice.

It’s up to you…. To intentionally decide if now is the time to step into you. To invest in yourself and seek the support you have been looking for and that will be transformational to you personally. To explore your wants and needs and create a exciting, supportive, achieveable roadmap to living the life you want and deserve x

Amy Parker

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